BOSTON. You know that fine line between funny and sad? I know that guy. Tonight I went to "The Gas" at Great Scott. That is the weekly comedy hosted by Rob Crean. Rob is possibly the saddest funny guy that I know. I'm not saying all of his material arises from a place of depression or anxiety, but I can tell you that Rob's act helped lead me from the darkness over
Robin Williams' death, even if Rob doesn't know he did that for me. Maybe for others, too. Intelligence + writing + seeing the absurdity that we're all navigating makes for some top-shelf comedy. My take is that Fridays at Great Scott, enough of a good time for people who still have their mental health, also make a decent substitute for group therapy for those of us who need a fucking lifeline. It's usually just $5, unless special occasion, and 2x or 3x worth it.
↑ Restroom tampon box photo. If you think that I turned off my phone's
snapshot sound first, you'd be wrong. What the other
chicks in the bathroom thought was going on in my stall.∎
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