Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Are Republicans Making Race-Centered Policy?

Yesterday on Deadline Whitehouse on MSNBC, race relations leader Heather McGhee was speaking on the inhumane conditions and the utter disaster that is the Trump border "policy." Host Nicolle Wallace said, "Who is the person who argues in court 'they don't need toothbrushes, they weren't supposed to be there for long.' Who are these people?" Heather McGhee agreed that's a good question. She had an answer. 

"This is the vision of folks like Stephen Miller." McGhee said that this is now the world we live in where white nationalist ideology is seeded, supported and spread by the President himself who ran on a campaign pushing the idea that "people who are coming to this country, aspiring citizens, are not human, that they're animals, that they're rapists, that they're gang members and criminals, basically that they're the enemy, that we should be on war footing with our neighbors to the south who are coming to try to live out the American dream." 

In a sudden surge of anger, I wanted to see what Fox News was airing at the same moment. I flipped the channel.Who is on but Ted Cruz, spewing his Texas brand of hate and vitriol, pushing his theory that children caged, crying and sick and dying, in the heat and stench, are probably kidnap victims because all the southern criminals know that having a child with you is a surefire way to enter the United States with drugs for sale. He said the Republican "policy" to detain everyone seeking asylum is common sense. He said they're not necessarily asylum-seekers, but criminals and gang members. See, to Ted Cruz, our neighbors to the south are most probably criminals so let's lock them in cages and throw away the key. Is the Republican ideology rooted in power of white elite? If there's any other information that you still need, then I can't help you. ∎