Saturday, March 9, 2019

Taking It To The Street

I keep seeing People post about the breaking point, as in when will these rich white assholes finally squeeze too hard, and once that happens: then what? Usually it sounds like, "If _______________ then that's it, we have to take to the streets!" What does that mean. Do what. So we all just go outside? I mean, we DO that here. I've already been to the Common with about a hundred thousand people in and around Boston, I think three times in the last two years. Of all the least helpful action ideas (and there have been some doozies) that's the standout. We're supposed to take to the streets? Also, doesn't it depend rather heavily upon what street? I think through all the possible streets where I might be when we're supposed to take to them, and if you live in a busy city, who says when we're taking it, and to which exact street, and upon arrival, do what. But I like to picture me with my mom, that's all the whole hella way in the woods. There's nothing there. It's the middle of the fucking woods. There's deer, coyote, and even bears come around. On clear winter nights it's a snow globe filled with ten billion stars and a slender winding road. I could see me and my mom "taking it" there once we get the Bat signal. I guess it'll be like a beacon of Maddow or something. Me and JoAnna, hiking out to the road. A billion tree frogs start bitching back and forth, bats zip overhead. We'd be standing like "Now what. Whose idea was this? Oh look, there's Pleiades."

Shrill, vaguely defiant calls for justice ill-defined. Are people getting worse, or is my tolerance for assholes simply gone? Because People are wearing me out. I don't know, you guys. The worse People get, the more I just can't People anymore. I'm Peopled out. ⭐