Saturday, December 8, 2018


RIP Michelle's Facebook Account (2008 - 2018)

Facebook self-disrupted in three ways in my opinion. So I'm out, at least for having a personal profile on the platform. At some point I'll likely create a #GenXReport Group or Page or whatever the new thing will be, by then. Because they keep changing the platform for no reason. But for a personal Facebook account, since December 1st, I am Deactivated.


I went with Deactivate for now because that allows me to keep using Messenger. Simone told me that in October when we all spent the weekend together, and that's when I decided that it was finally time to get the hell outta there. Speaking of Simone: Always keep your friends who are way smarter than you are, thank you, Simone. Speaking of smart friends? Today Jenny messaged me with the video below. It is a musical number about the unfortunate devolution of Facebook. "This made me think of you,"Jenny wrote. "Love it," I replied. And I do.


Pop Teez said...

Then what are you Reading/Watching @3AM?

@SuperLowBudge said...

The inside of my eyelids.

Pop Teez said...

How boring...I mean healthy.