Friday, May 12, 2017

It's been about Trump THE WHOLE TIME.

"First Democrats complain about Comey needing to go, and now he's gone and they're still complaining." What.
Are these people serious with this asinine spin? Does this utter nonsense actually work on some people? As though the American people are overtired toddlers that cry when they get what they want, because they don't know what they want in the first place. 
No, Democrats aren't "just complaining" about what they "pretended to want." It's been about Trump THE WHOLE TIME. Comey's pre-election statements about Clinton directly contributed to exactly what SO many liberals already felt -- the trust problem of Clinton being a career politician and halo effect from Bill's issues, all of which Democrats fully acknowledge as unfortunate. That's a fact. Is it WHY she lost? We'll never know.
Comey was also fully investigating what is CLEARLY Russian interference on behalf of the Trump administration, and due to that investigation, Trump fired him. Also a fact.
Like if they jingle their keys in our faces we'll forget. I'm working very hard at this point not to say extremely blunt words to describe what I feel about these people.∎