Saturday, April 25, 2020

Out of an abundance of caution: In response to a Facebook rant

Yes, most if not all of us have been in contact with it already! Yet we are all putting up with this bullshit! WTF people wake the fuck up, we locked down stopped it's spread built our immunity so now it's time to get back at it! We have something called an immune system remember, if we didn't the human race wouldn't have survived for thousands and thousands and thousands of years! Notice, I didn't say, get the economy moving again, no because that i can give 2 shits about that, but what I do give a shit about is people's livelihoods and purpose, that is what I care about! Stop being cowards of fear and rise up as you profess Americans do, tell our elected officials, they for sure aren't our leaders, to stick it and let's leave our lockdown and get going!
PS, I'm not a Trump supporter, no not at all but I refuse to give up my freedoms cause some asshole told me too! Wake the fuck up all, step outside, mingle with your neighbors and start a revolution, you will be fine and all of us will be too! Let's go!
When the next objective is jump off a bridge to save someone else, I already see who will! I didn't say you had to agree, only said maybe perhaps you alt to consider what the powers that be are saying, and I won't back down and said it before that this thing ain't as contagious as they say and that I bet most of us have come in contact with it already and we are fine! I had a sore throat, runny nose and slight fever in January and l bet it was covit, I want a test for the antibodies and i bet I already have them and that is what this article is about so back the fuck up, if you don't agree so be it, i don't give a fuck! But I refuse to accept something cause someone told me too, if you don't like that then unfriended me, I can give two shits

Dear David,
I feel your aggression. I feel it hit my gut as Fear. I know you want to believe "most if not all of us" have "been in contact" with Covid-19, because that would mean that you've survived already. It would mean you won and there's no need to panic. You want to know that most of us are going to make it. Most of all you don't want to be alone. In your heart you know the truth: we will not all make it. I turned 50 on Tuesday. I wondered if that was my last birthday. I expect it might be. I know why you're angry, buddy. I really do. I know too why you wish "this thing ain't as contagious as they say." But you just said we'll all get it...either it's contagious as hell, or it's not contagious. Both things can't be true. I know you're casting about for another answer, any answer. But Dave, there is no question that many, many people are dying. 

I'm trying to save what's left of my sanity so I was avoiding the news for about a week. But all that did was delay me seeing the truth: how in that one week we went from 3000 dead to 7000, then another week to 20,000 and today it's over 50,000 dead. That's all in the last six weeks. It's still trending upward, and it's not flattening out yet. Experts waffle on the message and what we should do: wear a mask, do not wear a mask, go to church, go to the grocery store. The trend is still going up no matter what we try. More die every week. 

And now they're finding that It doesn't care how old you are, and It doesn't care what your job is, and you don't have immunity from getting it again. It's going to keep coming for your lungs, your heart and possibly some other organs. It's getting children. It's wiping out whole families. It even got some cats. Covid-19 might be an Extinction Event, and we don't know because we are only at the beginning of it and they don't know what It is. It gets on everything and It won't stop killing until it wears Itself right out. THAT'S why we're all on lockdown, Dave. Not because anyone wants to take away your freedom. It's so we don't all die. David, it is wiping us out, zone by zone, all over the whole world. The truth is that top scientific minds don't even know what it is, so THIS is what we are trying. Isolation may be our only weapon we have against the virus. Can you hang in with us, David. We need you.

What you're feeling is terror. That's what everyone is feeling. I can see why people are storming the nation's government with guns. This Covid-19 level of terror is why they've been keeping their guns by their beds all this time. They needed their guns to protect their homes and family. Now this deadly enemy has finally come roaring in like they always knew it would, and a gun is no use after all. But it's all they have and they want SOMEONE to do SOMETHING. They are angry and terrified.

You sound so angry I'm afraid you're going to storm off to join one of these protests. Please don't. You're literally risking your life. What are you protesting? An abundance of caution is all that is being asked of us. We've already failed the planet, failed our children and failed ourselves, must we also fail in doing this most possible thing: stay. the fuck. home. 

HOME is where you SHOULD be right now. Isn't Home what you've been fighting for since the dawn of man? Home is what it's all been about. Home is your one true freedom-washed, pristine den of do-whatever-the-heck-you-want while you're in here place. It's your castle, you're the king in your Home. Don't you wanna be where you're the king? Home is where you SHOULD be right now. Not at the bowling alley, not at the Cheesecake Factory. All that is being asked of us is to use an abundance of caution, and for most that includes staying home and finding ways to help each other through this. That's all we need to do, to go home and help each other hunker down so we can all band together to try to kill this bug. 

I know the helpless feeling where you want to threaten something, someone, anyone in order to be normal again. Trump supporters are showing the grasping desperation of a people who want to get back to 2016 when they could have voted for the email lady instead of this rolling shitshow. 

Back in 2016, this is exactly what we were afraid of, or something like it. It's the monster we've all been drawing, writing about, animating and putting on ice all these centuries. It's here. It's...Outside. I know you're tired of hearing it but: we need you to please Stay Inside. Just until it goes away. Don't be the people in horror movies that go galumphing out in a blaze of gory because they ran TOWARDS the monster.

I understand why you want to rage against something. But don't let it be your friends and family. Please, please don't go full-bore like this Offline, at anyone or anything. You're venting, and that's okay. But please just stay home and tell everyone to go home, be with your family. If you live alone, make yourselves into groups who check in on each other. This is the only time in my life you're going to hear me say this but: USE FACEBOOK. We let Zuckerdrag milk our very souls dry to make his life a super-special one, let's USE this Thing that we made to keep in touch with everyone: IT'S TIME TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH EVERYONE. GodDAMN you're making me support FACEBOOK. And also: Stop laughing at the Animal Crossing people, they're getting it right. We may have destroyed the real world worshiping our big fat old capitalist ball sacks, but we have cultivated this stupid digital one. Let's get our money's worth off this bitch. If you know a Friend who needs more Friends, tell them to Friend me, I'm pretty okay most of the time. I am heavily medicated. Let's meet in Facebook Groups and discuss side effects and how much we need to sleep. I have easy recipes that use potatoes.

David, I love you and I just don't want you to die. Please stay the fuck home. Out of an abundance of caution.
