Sunday, November 24, 2019

Stop what you're doing, Jane Fonda said a thing

According to everyone older than me, every living individual is required, right now apparently, to be outraged, because by Boomer logic: Jane Fonda.


Jane Fonda has been happening for my entire life. I can't help but wonder what the young people must be thinking every time Jane  trends. "You mean the bony one from the old lady show?" That would be Grace and Frankie (Netflix) and yes, that's her, kids. Hey, old guys? Jane seems like a nice enough woman, she makes me laugh, she is a right proper movie star, and she is entitled to voice opinions. You're just mad because she's famous and happens to be right and you hate that, don't you, Guys Who Want To Own Water and Sell It Back To Us at a Premium? No. We DO need every person to have clean water as a human right, and all of us should rally behind climate change, thank GOD Jane Fonda is amplifying this message. What is wrong with these mostly-old-men hating on Jane Fonda my whole life. Boomers being angry. Boomer angry. Chill out, Boomer-angs. ∎


Anonymous said...

In typical boomer fashion, it's all based on real fake news. Everything they think they know is all based on bullshit, hearsay and from NOBODY that was actually there.