Friday, November 22, 2019

Amanda Fucking Palmer

Right now on the Internet there is an Amanda Palmer hatefest.
Another one, and it's a doozy. As a onetime music writer and promoter, I don’t know what to make of the truculent, sneering Amanda, or her weird, brill fame. This latest wave of #AmandaPalmerIsACunt started I guess with a muckety muck at The Guardian having an odd sort of go at Amanda on Twitter, and once there's a splash of Palmer blood in the social network seas, forget about it—Frenzy. My eyeballs can actually feel in a physical way the super-cool drawl of the Boston scenesters trying to out-casual each other as everybody competes with how early in Amanda's rise to fame they hated her. One person tried to win with "I hated her upon sight having never heard a single note of music." A surprising number of tweeters replied with "Same." Well...weird, I guess. I will come back to this later when I feel more Write-y. Or at least more Amanda-y. Love her or despise her "on sight," I tell you what, the chick can trend. 🦈