Friday, July 17, 2020

Quarantine Thoughts: Everyone Is A Comedian


Michael Marotta
It's weird that my cat doesn't know what Europe is.

Is cereal, technically, considered a breakfast soup?

Sean Drinkwater
Are Burritos why we were put on this planet?

Daniel Bernal
I've had a few ambitions. I think I found a new one. I just want to grow up to be Christopher Walken-ish.

Lamont Price
Any time Fred Flinstone calls Barney "Barn" you know some shit's about TO GO DOWN.

Dan McCool
The word "if" is weird. Say it out loud a few times and look at how it's spelled.

LMNOP is truly the party zone of the alphabet

If people that use reddit are called redditors, shouldn’t we call people that use 4chan 4chancelors?

Noelle Boc
How long is it acceptable to wear the same pair of socks? Asking for a friend.

I would like to hold an armadillo

Cobra Commander was the Barney Fife of evil cartoon bosses

Is Raffi Jonathan Richman for kids, or is Jonathan Richman Raffi for adults?

why don’t women talk about hot sauce as often as men do?

Lainey Schooltree
Raise your hand if you bleep blorped too morp and now you can only clorp

polar bears poop on an ice hill and watch it slide into the ocean